What is a Manual Aspiration Abortion procedure?
A Manual Aspiration Abortion is a safe, gentle and effective surgical procedure that is often considered to be the optimal way to end and early pregnancy of 3 – 7 weeks.
The physicians at our clinic are specially trained in early abortion care and perform the procedure in a time span of 2-5 minutes. Aspiration abortion uses gentle suction to naturally remove the pregnancy tissue into a handheld device. One of the greatest aspects of a Manual Aspiration Abortion is that the recovery time is instantaneous. Women leave our office and able to return to their normal activities immediately.
When bleeding occurs it is often light, less than the bleeding incurred during a period. One of the side effects from the procedure is cramping, however the cramping only lasts for short period of time and it is considered to be mild cramping for most women. An Aspiration Abortion involve no scraping and scarring to the uterine lining .
How does a Manual Aspiration Abortion Work ?
Your doctor will carefully insert a speculum into the vaginal opening, typical of a regular pap-smear or gynaecological exam. Through the speculum a thin sterile cannula straw like will be inserted into the natural opening of the cervix. The straw like cannula is attached to the Manual Vacuum device which creates a gentle suction. Pregnancy tissue is gently removed into the device. Because the procedure takes place through a natural opening there is no incisions or “cutting” involved. Your doctor will complete the procedure in 2-5 minutes.
We use sonogram (ultrasound ) to double check that the procedure was successful .
That you will be take in the recovery room, relax, enjoy a snack/beverage and in about 30 minutes you will be able to leave. We will also provide you with post procedure care information.
How early during my pregnancy can I have a Manual Aspiration Abortion ?
A Manual Aspiration Abortion can be performed as soon as we can oserve the pregnancy sac by vaginal sonogram which is as early as 3 weeks and up to 7 weeks from the last menstrual period ( LMP),
How effective is a Manual Aspiration Abortion ?
An Aspiration abortion is typically 99-100% effective .
How safe is the procedure ?
An Aspiration abortion is one of the safest outpatient procedures. We use disposable equipment for our procedures; and emphasize cleanliness and sterility throughout the office. Our patient’s safety and care is our ultimate priority.